Themes » Youth-Led Advocacy » Advocacy Language

Now that you know what you want to advocate for and who you are going to target, it's time to get started on your advocacy-journey. However, when engaging with decision-makers you'll notice that they tend to use technical and dense language that's hard to understand. But don't worry, we're going to help you get hip with the lingo! Check out the resources below, save them to your laptop or print them out to have your on-the-go advocacy dictionary with you. 


The CHOICE SRHR glossary

This glossary provides short and youth-friendly definitions of key sexual and reproductive health and right terms. It offers you a searchable database explaining all key terms you will come across when engaging with United Nations advocacy on sexual and reproductive health and rights. 


An Advocates guide to UN Language

“PP? OP?? BIS? TER?” WHAT?! With all of the different terms flying around, at times it really can feel like the United Nations (UN) has its own special language, and it can be difficult to break through all the confusing technical jargon. CHOICE for Youth & Sexuality has developed this guide on UN Language especially for youth advocates who are advocating for young people’s Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) in order to help them successfully navigate language advocacy at the UN. It explains what UN Language is, why it is important, and how to get involved in UN Language Advocacy.